A pair of Chick-fil-A fanatics that accumulated more than 200,000 reward points from the fast food chain donated them to feed hungry people on Thanksgiving, and they're doing it again next week.
"I don't do it for the recognition—the only one I want to get recognition is God," Judy Brissey, one half of the charitable couple told WYFF 4. "I want Him to get the glory for this, not me."
Over the past eight years, Judy and her husband, Jay, from Greenwood, South Carolina, have dined at the chain "about every day" and twice a day sometimes, allowing them to collect 202,000 reward points.
They used 101,000 of those points to supply a Thanksgiving lunch to residents at the Burton Center, a nonprofit center for people with disabilities and special needs.
"Truth be told, for a lot of these individuals, we are their families," Meyata Gould, the center's day program assistant director told WYFF4.
The Brisseys will use the other half of their points to provide a Chick-fil-A meal to residents of the Connie Maxwell Children's Home, a nonprofit organization that provides housing and services for children and families in need, on Dec. 5.
Originally published by Latin Times