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California Phases Out All Plastic Shopping Bags with New Law

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A customer pushes a shopping cart with bags outside of a Whole Foods Market grocery store on August 26, 2024 in El Segundo, California. PATRICK T. FALLON/Getty Images

California is set to completely eliminate plastic shopping bags from grocery stores by 2026 under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday (September 22).

Under this law, customers will no longer be given the option to choose between paper or plastic at checkout. Instead, shoppers will either need to bring their own reusable bags or be offered the option to purchase paper bags.

California to Fully Ban Plastic Shopping Bags at Grocery Stores

The new measure builds on previous efforts to reduce plastic bag use in California. A ban on thin plastic shopping bags was implemented in 2014, and confirmed by voters in a 2016 referendum.

However, the law allowed retailers to continue offering thicker plastic bags that were marketed as reusable and recyclable.

Despite these intentions, the use of plastic bags continued to rise, prompting lawmakers to introduce stricter regulations.

Starting in 2026, no form of plastic bag will be allowed at checkout lines, a change that supporters believe will have a profound impact on reducing plastic waste in the state.

According to AP News, State Sen. Catherine Blakespear, a key supporter of the bill, emphasized that plastic bags are not being reused or recycled at the rate anticipated by the previous law.

A state study found that the average Californian threw away 11 pounds of plastic bags per year in 2021, compared to just 8 pounds in 2004.

Environmental organizations have applauded the new law. Oceana, a nonprofit focused on protecting marine life, praised Gov. Newsom for signing the bill and stressed the importance of this action in tackling plastic pollution.

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Similar Measures Implemented Across Other States

Other states and cities across the US have implemented similar measures. According to Environment America Research & Policy Centre, twelve states have adopted some form of statewide plastic bag ban.

Additionally, many cities within 28 states have passed local ordinances banning plastic bags, underscoring a growing nationwide movement against single-use plastics.

California's journey to becoming plastic-free began in San Francisco, which in 2007 became the first city in the nation to ban plastic bags. Gov. Newsom, who was then mayor of San Francisco, signed that groundbreaking ordinance, making California a leader in the movement toward reducing plastic waste.

Now, with this new law, California is set to take the next big step, eliminating plastic shopping bags entirely from stores and solidifying its commitment to environmental protection.

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