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Dylan O’Brien Is The New Spider-Man? ‘Teen Wolf’ Star Claims Rumors Aren’t True! Sony Leaked Emails Reveal Him Auditioning For The Role Of Peter Parker!

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There were rumors coming out that either Dylan O'Brien or Logan Lerman could be the next Spider-Man. This all started when Sony confirmed its tie up with Marvel for the next film series of the web-slinging superhero.

"We always want to collaborate with the best and most successful filmmakers to grow our franchises and develop our characters. Marvel, Kevin Feige and Amy [Pascal], who helped orchestrate this deal, are the perfect team to help produce the next chapter of Spider-Man," Michael Lynton of Sony said as reported by

Before Sony confirmed its collaboration, a guy shared the leaked emails about Spider-Man joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. According to Movie Pilot, the same person recently revealed that Dylan O'Brien and Logan Lerman have already auditioned for the role of Peter Parker. Check out parts of the Sony leaked email below:

"He [O'Brien] gave Sony the audition of his life, who by the way, absolutely loved what they saw from him. Amy Pascal and team knew they had their Spider-Man. Sony apparently started leaning towards O'Brien over Lerman when they figured Dylan had a better grasp and feel of the tone they were going for."

It also says in the Sony leaked email that there is a 99.9% chance that Dylan O'Brien will become the new Spider-Man. The 22-year old actor is known for portraying the role of Stiles Stilinski in the popular TV series "Teen Wolf". He also stars as Thomas in the "Maze Runner" film franchise and appeared in movies such as "The Internship", "The First Time", and "High Road".

During an interview with BuzzFeed News, Dylan O'Brien finally speaks up about the Spider-Man rumors. "It makes me feel bad because I'm, like, disappointing a big chunk of fans across the nation," the young actor said. "You can tell them that it's not true."

I'm sure that got the actor's fans disappointed, but he still showed interest in playing the role of the new Spider-Man. "It's nothing but flattering," O'Brien said. "[But] it's never something I would want to get myself excited about, since I know I haven't heard about it from a professional standpoint. I've always wanted to play Peter Parker, obviously. I feel like [for] any actor my age, that's, like, a big thing."

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