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Goodbye One Major Female Clone? Tatiana Maslany Talks Orphan Black Season 3 Ahead Of Premiere

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When "Orphan Black" season 3 premiere on April 18, fans will welcome a new set of clones, this time a combination of X and Y chromosomes.

The first male clones, portrayed by Ari Millen, were introduced at the end of the second season finale. When the show returns less than a month from now, they will take over the game. Their mission is to kill their female counterparts.

While fans are excited for the "Orphan Black" season 3 premiere to get to know more about the Castor projects, they should prepare themselves because one of their favorite seestrahs might say goodbye before the season ends.

Talking to the Entertainment Weekly, Tatiana Maslany, who brilliantly portrays all the female clones in the show, said any of the female clones can be eliminated from the show.

"Yeah, that loyalty to the characters is what excites us so much-the fans' response to them and taking on of their personality as how they identify themselves," the "Orphan Black" breakout star said.

"But I think what also keeps the show fresh is that all of the characters are up for grabs. As much as they are loved by the audience, and people have their favorites, they could go. They could easily go. And that threat keeps it interesting, and the potential for that makes it feel real and the stakes feel important. And we don't just expect them to always be there."

Major clones so far are Sarah Manning, the gutsy con-artists and thief, Alison Hendrix a.k.a. Soccer Mom, Cosima Niehaus the microbiology student, Helena the assassin and religious fanatic, and Rachel Duncan, the pro-clone who was last seen taking a pencil in the eye. Maslany didn't clear whether one of them will say goodbye right in the "Orphan Black" season 3 premiere. Still, seeing one of them will definitely sadden their followers.

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