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HR Executive Matt Buckland Shares Train Experience When A Fellow Passenger Foul Mouthed Him; Same Man Appeared An Hour Later As His Interviewee

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Matt Buckland HR executive of Forward Partners caused a stir on Twitter when he shared his train experience one Monday morning as a fellow passenger launched a foul-mouthed tirade, Mirror reports.

"I was on my way into work on the Tube on Monday morning during rush hour. I stood to one side to let a lady get by, and ended up blocking a man momentarily," Matt Buckland told Buzzfeed

He added that he stood on one side to let off a woman at Monument station, and the fellow passenger thought he was blocking the way. But in fact he was trying to get off the train too.

"I think he thought I was just standing in his way. He pushed and I turned, I explained I was getting off too but he pushed past and then looked back and suggested I might like to f*** myself...which might have been true but not before a few cups of coffee."

Surprisingly, after an hour Mr. Buckland came face-to-face with the same man on the train as an applicant on the firm he's working with, but the man didn't recognize him at first.

"Karma - the guy who pushed past me on the tube and then suggested I go F myself just arrived for his interview...with me.." he posted on Twitter.

In an interview with Buzzfeed after his tweet went viral, Mr. Buckland revealed that he dropped some train related questions during the interview, and later the man realized what Mr. Buckland was pointing out.

"I think it crept up on him slowly as my questions became more and more tube related," he said.

He continued that the applicant "laughed it off and went on with the interview, but the man was not offered the job," Mr. Buckland also explained that it was nothing to do with the incident that morning, Mirror reports.

"When you interview you are looking for a read of skills but also to know if that person is a real human being, it's about that connection. By the end of the interview we laughed it off and were both happy," he told Buzzfeed.

"The candidate didn't get the job, though, and maybe now he'll maintain a better attitude in the morning since he just might need some help from a fellow commuter one day."

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