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Whose Side Is Sarah Working For? New Video Teaser Of 'Orphan Black' Season 3 Released As Premiere Date Nears

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"Orphan Black" season 3 premiere date is April 18 2015, that is approximately two months from now.

The waiting must be painful, Clone Club, but for sure, it wouldn't hurt to see a new teaser video and make it clear to whom the female clones are working for despite the major changes in the BBC America show.

On Monday, "Orphan Black's" official Facebook page posted a video of Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany) being called as "the wild one" of her male rival clone (Ari Millen).

"I am not with Dyad. I am not your property." - Sarah Manning said on the clip.

That is to clarify that she is still determined to take down the company who wants to wipe them out. She is not betraying her sisters, who according to reports will not be complete on the "Orphan Black" season 3 premiere episode.

While Sarah confirms she is not working for Dyad Institute, one woman who is close to one of the clones is under the payroll of the science company. Evelyne Brochu's Dr. Delphine Cormier, Cosima's monitor, girlfriend, and fellow scientist, is said to be on the Dyad side by this season.

What is she doing there and what is her end game? That is yet to be revealed.

"Delphine's job responsibilities have changed mainly because there is a position that has been vacated, because of the fall of Rachel," executive producer John Fawcett said in an interview with the Entertainment Weekly.

"Someone has had to step into Rachel's chair, which may interfere-in a large degree-in her relationship with Cosima."

While this is a big development regarding Delphine, she is far from the female clones' problem as right in the "Orphan Black" season 3 premiere episode, they will tangle with one of their male counterparts.

One particular male clone named Rudy has been tasked to wipe the sisterhood. According to Ari Millen, male clones have brotherly bond and Rudy is a ruthless, military-trained clone.

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