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'X Men: Apocalypse' New Cast Members Revealed; McKellen And Stewart Won't Be Returning In Upcoming Film

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It was reported a few weeks ago that "Apocalypse" was starting to cast the younger versions of characters Storm, Cypclops and Jean Grey. These roles have apparently been already locked down by some promising talent.

Initially, Saoirse Ronan (The Host), Haillee Steinfeld (Three Days To Kill), Elle Fanning (Super 8) and even Chloe Grace Moretz were all in the running of playing the young version of Jean Grey. Today, it has been revealed that English actress Sophie Turner of "Game of Thrones" will take on the role of the telekinetic mutant.

The top contender to play Scott Summers aka Cyclops was reported to be Taron Egerton of the recently released "Kingsman: The Secret Service." Tye Sheridan of 2012's "Mud" now owns the role.

James Marsden, who played the original Cyclops approved of Sheridan in an interview with HitFix transcribed by Screen Rant.

"I think he's a wonderfully talented actor who blew me away in 'Mud.' I've never seen a kid that young be that present and that powerful. So I think he's a perfect fit, and I congratulate him."

Two have been in the running of playing young Ororo Munroe, Zendaya Coleman and Alexandra Shipp. The latter has been announced taking on the role.

The director introduced the latest addition to the cast on his Twitter account.

Meet our new and brilliant young mutants: @Alexshipppp as #Storm @SophieT as #JeanGrey and@TyeSheridan as #Cyclops. #XmenApocalypse

- Bryan Singer (@BryanSinger) January 23, 2015

Elsewhere, some cast members won't be appearing in the upcoming "Apocalypse."

Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen are not reprising their roles in the upcoming movie.

Stewart confirmed the news in an interview with "Larry King Live."

"I was learning quite a lot more about it last night, and it is going to be looking very much at the earlier lives of all our characters. And so I don't think we'll be making an appearance," he said.

Here's a complete list of releases from Fox leading up to 2018.

"Fantastic Four" opens on Aug. 7, 2015; "Deadpool" on Feb. 12, 2016; "X Men: Apocalypse" on May 27, 2016; "Gambit" on October 7, 2016; "Wolverine 3" on March 3, 2017; "Fantastic Four 2" on June 2, 2017 and the untitled X Men movie on July 13, 2018.

What do you readers think? Are you excited to see the younger versions of Cyclops, Storm and Jean Grey in "X Men: Apocalypse"? Sound off in the comments section below!

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