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Planetside 2 PS4 News/Release Date: Beta Codes Rolls Out; Full Game Will Let Gamers Play Trial While Downloading

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The first "very small" initial batch of beta codes went out for PlanetSide 2 on PlayStation 4. Sending them out based on who signed up for the beta first through their website, Creative Director Matt Higby said, "Keys will be going out in several batches as we ramp up, not everyone can get one in the first batch. Please be patient."

Higby tweeted, "More keys going out this AM (or early afternoon, basically "pretty soon") much larger batch this time."

"This is a real BETA test, NOT a hype generator/game demo. Report bugs/give feedback & help us make a better game!" he added. "With that said, we're still going to have a damn pile of fun in the [PlanetSide 2 on PS4] beta!"

As of right now, beta codes are only being sent out to those in North America. A European beta is planned, but since it requires "different approvals," the start date may not happen for another 2-3 weeks, according to Higby.

While the file size isn't that big, it's understandable if some players want to play the shooter as soon as possible.

Fortunately for you, Sony Online Entertainment thought of that, too, and even managed to hit two birds with one stone. Continuing our interview with PlanetSide 2 Executive Producer Clint Worley, he revealed that while players are downloading the full game, they'll be able to play a tutorial level as way to get acclimated to the game.

"For launch, our plan is for new players to be able to download the tutorial map first and have full access to that content while the remainder of the game is downloading. By the time players complete the tutorial requirements, the full game will be downloaded and they can join the massive war that rages 24/7 in PlanetSide 2."

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