
Facebook Post 'Year In Review' For 2014: What Popular Posts Made The List?

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Almost all of us get nostalgic at the last part of the year. This year is nearly comeing to an end. Do you want to see this year's important events for one more time? Surely, you posted those events pictures on Facebook throughout the course of the last 365 days. Facebook is reminding its users of the important moments of the year in the 'Year in Review'.

This was predictable that Facebook would design a way for its billion-plus users to each create a personalized Year in Review. Facebook generated a year in review for user last year also. This time, users can do it themself.

Year in Review, as it rolls out this week, will appear at the top of news feeds, where Facebook has collected photos and headlines. The images which received most 'like' will be automatically updated on 'Year in Review'. Or you can go directly to the link from And another method is if any of your friend post a then you can see a link 'View Now' at the bottom from there, you can make it yourself. Also, Facebook mobile App has a pop-up ( where you can create the 'Year in Review'.

With 2014's "Year in Review," users can add a theme, add or subtract sections, choose four photos for each section and edit the headline and text as well as customize the images and update types they want to show and can decide whether to share it with friends in their Year in Review.

Facebook has always been one with making people remember the good times in their social media lives. This year, the company set out to go a bit further, creating a mobile-first "Year in Review" page to let people compile their favorite 2014 memories.

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