'The Dark Knight Rises' Spoilers: Rotten Tomatoes Disables Comments

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RottenTomatoes.com, a website where users can rate movies and write reviews, have suspended user comments on "The Dark Knight Rises" on Monday following a fan uproar after two critics posted negative reviews of the movie.

This was the first time that Rotten Tomatoes has disabled commenting on a movie on its website. Matt Atchity, the site's editor-in-chief, said Tuesday that postings about reviews of the film would likely be restored by the end of the week.

As of Wednesday morning, "The Dark Knight Rises" stood with a 94 percent approval from critics and 96 percent "fresh" rating from the audience. There are two reviews in particular that seem to have been the trigger. Marshall Fine of Hollywood and Fine wrote that the film was "grandiose not grand," and the Associated Press' Christy Lemire said that the film "lacked the spark that gave 2008's 'The Dark Knight' such vibrancy."

"The job of policing the comments became more than my staff could handle for that film, so we stopped the comments altogether," said Atchity, according to CBS. "It just got to be too much hate based on reactions to reviews of movies that people hadn't even seen."

The backlash overwhelmed the site. Atichity said "it just got to be too much hate based on reactions to reviews of movies that people hadn't even seen."

Atchity said the Rotten Tomatoes is considering changing its commenting system to be more similar to that of Facebook where the commenter would need to login or give some personal information. This would cut down on the slew of negative anonymous posters. Other film review aggregating sites, such as MetaCritic.com and MovieReviewIntelligence.com, either don't allow user comments or don't permit comments to be posted before a film opens.

'The Dark Knight Rises' Movie Reviews Roundup: Is it Worth All the Hype?

'The Dark Knight Rises' Spoilers: David Letterman Spills the Batman Ending [VIDEO]

"The Dark Knight Rises," the final installment in director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, opens Friday. Christian Bale reprises his role as Bruce Wayne/Batman in the film, which also stars Tom Hardy, Morgan Freeman, Anne Hathaway, Gary Oldman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard.

"The Dark Knight Rises" will be released this Friday, July 18 nationwide.

Anne Hathaway, who stars as Catwoman, recently did an interview with David Letterman on the Late Night Show which caused another outcry among fans. Letterman apparently gave the ending the movie and Anne looked genuinely shocked which suggests that what he said was correct. Fans took to Twitter to criticize Letterman for ruining the film of the summer. Watch the video here if you want to hear "The Dark Knight Rises" spoiler.

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