The Interview movie starring Seth Rogen and James Franco is at the center of the Sony hack attack that happened a week ago. The comedy film was cancelled by Sony Pictures amid threats from a group called Guardians of Peace. The group demanded the film to be taken out or else they will send 9/11-like terrors in cinemas. Many major theaters in the US decided to drop The Interview and so, Sony Pictures had no choice but to officially cancel it worldwide.
The Sony hack attack may have thwarted The Interview from getting shown in theaters but you might see it anyway. Maybe in cinema or maybe in the comfort of your own home. Notorious hacking group Anonymous tweeted that they might do something to get The Interview reach the public. It also said that they are not choosing any side and they only want to see the movie.
"We're not with either side, we just want to see the movie, too...and soon too you will be joining us. Sorry, @SonyPictures." -@TheAnonMessage
While many think the response on Sony Hack attack is weak, anonymous criticized Sony Pictures for submitting to the demands of the hackers.
"Okay, for real though, @SonyPictures is a little bitch for giving in so easily. Then again, what do you expect from Sony other than that? - @TheAnonMessage
They also used nickname for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The FBI said that the North Korean government is the one behind the Sony Hack attack. A few months back, the North Korean government slammed the content of The Interview which they say is insulting Kim Jong-un.
"You're gonna let Kim Junk Uno and his minions boss you, a multimillion dollar corporation responsible for billions of dollars in revenue? - @TheAnonMessage
"First, The Interview. Now @ParamountPics is pulling Team American after North Korean threats. Are we really that weak?" - @TheAnonMessage
"Banning movies only because North Korea's dictator disapproves." - @TheAnonMessage
Anonymous Twitter account has since then suspended but for other reasons. The group threatened to release scandal of rapper Iggy Azalea.