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Street Fighter 5: Only Made For Playstation 4! What Does Xbox Says About It?

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Street Fighter 5 will be available soon on PlayStation 4 and Windows PC!

Before Capcom's next game franchise make its official debut at Sony's Playstation Experience, someone from the company mistakenly posted a teaser trailer of the game, which is Street Fighter V, on Friday to the company's official Youtube account.

The one minute and thirty seconds video was quickly erased but people from Event Hubs manage to note a few screen shots and details.

According to the report, the teaser trailer showed a bit of information about the game but it also revealed some images and the actual gameplay, including the fight between Ryu and Chun-Li, which are both fan-favorite characters on the Street Fighter universe, at the table stage.

It was also noted that the game might not just take in one place but is able to change location during the fight. As it was seen in the video, when Chun-Li hits Ryu causing the wall to break, it then appears that they went through and ended up insde the building.

The teaser excites the gamers more because of the powered up versions of moves of the characters. At the beginning of the trailer, the fighters induce a yellow hit sparks when they do regular combos and when they make contact. Then they poses and, afterwards a blue spark surrounds Chun-Li as she make another attacks, while Ryu shows off a black one.

Furthermore, aside from characters and actual battles, the video of Street Fighter V also reveals that the game will be "exclusive" only to Sony PlayStation 4 and PC's.

The report annoys the Xbox One users and, it resulted to the Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer to answer questions regarding the "exclusivity issue".

"Business deals happen. We won't do all of them. When we have a first party franchise in a genre I'd rather invest in ours," Spencer said on Twitter, when asked what he thought of the announcement.

After the leak, game's publisher Capcom, and Sony Computer Entertainment, through Yoshinori Ono and Adam Boyes, confirmed at PlayStation Experience that Street Fighter V is a game that will feature a cross-platform play.

Along with that, Boyes added that Capcom and Sony have been working together to make Street Fighter 5 for PlayStation 4.

"PS4 will be the only console this game ever appears on," Boyes said.

At PlayStation Experience, Capcom and Sony unveiled the first gameplay footage from Street Fighter 5, where its first live gameplay demonstration will take place at Capcom Cup next weekend.

Regarding the next year for Xbox, Spencer said, "We have surprises, announces and great games shipping in 2015, we'll deliver on all three."

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