Chris Rock Stirs Up 'White Independence Day' Controversy

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While July 4th was mostly a day filled with fireworks, family and BBQ's, comedian Chris Rocker was stirring up controversy, making the day even more memorable for some this year.

The actor-comedian ruffled more than a few feathers after tweeting out this message to his followers: "Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed fireworks."

This started an all out Twitter war with some taking a stand against him, while others agreed.

Actor Don Cheadle retweeted Rock's message with a simple "Haha," which put Cheadle on some Twitter user's enemies lists.

The "Rwanda Hotel" actor then had to later justify what he meant as the debate got more heated. "Where exactly is the bigotry in that joke? Who is the victim? 18th century whites?" Cheadle wrote in a later tweet.

Meanwhile, Blogger David Burge responded with "Good one! I bet your Guatemalan house staff got a good chuckle."

Rock has always mined comedy as a means for poking at sensitive topics, in some cases encouraging as much outrage as applause. But the comedian also sparks quite a lot of conversation, which is perhaps the goal (along with laughs).

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