
Google Says Use Google To Become Smarter

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What will you have to do to be smart? Google's chairman Mr. Eric Schmidt gave the answer. If you share your personal information with Google then Google will make you smart or modern.

Recently Google chairman said Google can create your ideal artificial personal assistant. The catch? You need to give up more and more of your personal information according to CNNMoney

"The evolution of Google is to go from you asking Google what to search for, to Google helping you anticipate, to make you smarter," Schmidt told CNNMoney. "You let Google know things, Google will help you. Will you use it? Absolutely, because it will be cheap or free."

What will you have to get this service? Simple, you just have to share more and more personal information with Google. You have to give access to Google to know everything about you. Google will keep track of what sites you visit, what you search, and who you email. But you can change your privacy settings to share less information. Google chairman says that anything you do share remains between you and Google.

Schmidt said to Google that people will absolutely use it because it will be cheap or free.

Eric Schmidt says to CNNMoney that in the next twenty years the cars wouldn't need a driver to drive cars and medical diagonistics will be in your cellphone.

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