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Case Study Confirms BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM Topical Ointment Rejuvenates Skin, Decreases Visible Signs of Aging

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A new dermatological study showed that moisturizing cream BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM, a product of Sif Cosmetics, improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, skin texture, pore size, and various skin conditions, according to a press release issued this week by Sif Cosmetics.

The results were found from dermatologist Dr. Ronald L. Moy, who spent three months on his case study with 29 women as subjects, aged 39-75, and tested the BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM topical lotion on them on a daily basis, said the press release. Moy found that after the first two months of the study, all 29 of the women who experimented with the ointment saw a significant difference in their skin: "44% reduction in wrinkles, 58% improvement in overall skin texture, 42% reduction in apparent pore size and 42% improvement in brown spots (pigmentation)," as concluded in the study and reported in the press release. The ingredient that aided in rejuvenating the skin in the ointment included EGF, which triggers skin renewal, heals wounds, and produces collagen and elastin in the skin, which comes from barley, which can produce EGF with the same results as that in human skin.

The BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM ointment, as part of its marketing, ensured to minimalize visible signs of aging, like lines and wrinkles, and rejuvenate the skin's complexion. Moy confirmed that the promise made by Sif Cosmetics regarding was accurate, after having conducted his case study.

"The EGF SERUM is by far more impressive than anything I've seen for ageing or for tightening. In fact, it rivals some of the procedures we do to tighten skin," Dr. Moy said in an interview on Icelandic TV news.

The study by Moy, a professor of dermatology at UCLA and former chairman of the American Academy of Dermatology, will be featured in the May issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, stated the press release. The article itself will be called "Improved texture and appearance of human skin after daily topical application f barley produced, synthetic, human-like epidermal growth factor (EGF) Serum."

"When we started our research in the field of medical biotechnology more than 10 years ago, little did we know that it would lead us into the development of skin care products," Dr. Bjorn Orvar, CEO of Sif Cosmetics and its mother company ORF Genetics, stated for the press release. "But Dr. Moy's results are yet another confirmation of how well our technology is suited for the production of pure and active skin care products, and of the resulting unique efficacy of our BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM."

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