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Frito-Lay Announces Taking Multi-Year Initiative To Validate Their Products as Gluten-Free

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As part of National Celiac Disease Awareness Month this May, and in association with the Celiac Disease Foundation, Frito-Lay chips brand announced that it will take an initiative to undergo a "validation process" to ensure that those products that are labeled gluten-free contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten before making the claim.

"We are also proud to be partnering with Celiac Disease Foundation and the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, as the work they do is so important to those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities as well as their support systems," Danielle Dalheim, RD, associate principal nutrition scientist, Frito-Lay North America, was quoted in the press release. "We know that these two organizations are the go-to resources for those who are on a medically-prescribed gluten free diet, and we are committed to supporting their missions."

PepsiCo's Frito-Lay North America confirmed via a press release issued on Friday that they will take a multi-year initiative to not only validate if their foods fall under the gluten-free guidelines, but label all their packages according to how much gluten - protein derivatives found in cereal grains like wheat, barley, and rye - they contain. The 20ppm level came from a limit set by the Food and Drug Administration as part of its Proposed Rule for Gluten Free Labeling, launched in 2007, noted the FDA.

"Frito-Lay will make label reading especially easy for gluten sensitive consumers, as it is starts to include its own Gluten Free symbol or claim on qualified snack products," Marilyn Geller, chief operating officer, Celiac Disease Foundation, stated for the Pepsi press release. "We thank Frito-Lay for their support of our mission to raise awareness and increase the rate of diagnosis."

According to the press release, an estimated three million people have celiac disease, which is a digestive disorder triggered by an intolerance to gluten, and around 21 million in the United States may possibly have some type of gluten sensitivity. There is no cure bar living a gluten-free lifestyle.

"We understand that living with gluten sensitivities can present some challenges, and when you or a loved one is diagnosed it can be overwhelming and confusing. We are doing our due diligence to ensure that our validated products comply with the proposed standards by testing ingredients and finished products, so the shopper can trust our gluten free claim," Kari Hecker Ryan, PhD, RD, group manager of nutrition science and regulatory affairs, Frito-Lay North America, was commented as saying for the press release.

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