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'Fantasy Life' Launched in Nintendo 3DS; Dubbed as a Unique and Quirky Role Playing Video Game; Players Choose Among 12 Life Class Options

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Proving that gaming experience is not synonymous to violence, an odd but light role-playing video game was recently launched in a new platform. Level-5, 1-UP Studio and h.a.n.d co-production, 'Fantasy Life' Nintendo 3DS version was released last Oct. 24 in North America, Co-optimus reported.

The RPG hybrid game, with Japanese origin, "brings with it some fanciful hybrid gameplay that supports both local and online co-op." This feature allows "Fantasy Life" players to have fun on their own tasks at hand while having the option of interacting with their co-gamers. The game, set in Reveria, possesses some traits and features like other RPG games but it is still unique on its own right.

A review said "Fantasy Life" in 3DS shares the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance's job switching feature. The Japanese made game also has the same "vast clan and quest-heavy world-building" that is present in "Skyrim" game. Lastly, the video game's home related tasks like cooking and the like are quite similar to Animal Crossing's homemaking modes.

Amid this several similarities, Level-5 was able to make "Fantasy Life" a quirky, in a good way, game that can definitely relax gamers that would like to evade their stressful lives. In this 3DS game, player can feel a different kind of fulfillment as they portray the character with the job that they daydream to do. Yes, it is somehow a game that will let you live your fantasy life.

With a total of 12 life classes, there is always a fantasy life for every king of gamer that would like to try "Fantasy Life" in Nintendo 3DS. The game will start in choosing part as a player selecting a male or a female character and then the gamer can customize his character's features. Players new to RPG game will not be lost as a guide, named Butterfly which is indeed a butterfly, will guide the gamer throughout the game.

After selecting and customizing character, player can now choose among the 12 unique lives of "Fantasy Life." Gamer can be a Paladin, life with swords and shields and an HP boost or a Mercenary, equipped with higher attack power and has the same HP upgrade features, but is a bit slower compared to Paladin.

If the player's dream is to become Robin Hood, then he can select Hunter who has lower power but can attack more with its bow and arrow. This class also allows status effects. How about some Potter power? Be a Harry with the Wizard class that can cast spells with its magical powers like fire, water, wind and earth while automatically replenishing its SP pool.

Fantasy Life also offers like into the woods with the partner lives Woodcutter, and Carpenter. The two lives intersect as Woodcutter gathers wood while Carpenter uses the woods to build home and furniture. Miner and Blacksmith is also an interesting pair as the other gets minerals while the other uses the material to make weapons and armor.

Player with interest in meals can opt for Angler and Cook lives that also work together. Anglers do the fishing while the cook, of course to the cooking. There is also another class that cooks but not food but potions, this is the Alchemist. Lastly, you can make your fashion designing dreams into reality through Tailor life.

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