Even more filming on set photos have leaked onto the webs, this time showing the deceased parents of Clark Kent, in a cemetery in his town of "Smallville". One image shows Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne pressumably paying respects to Superman's parents. It has been reported that Henry Cavill was also present during filming. The photos were snapped by photographer Gregory Zonsius, who later on shared the images with comicbookmovie.com
Zonsius even took to Twitter to answer a few questions about his photos:
@unique_jenique @nailbiter111 He was dressed like he was at a funeral. Overcoat & dress clothing.
— Gregory Zonsius (@Gregory_Zonsius) November 4, 2014
In other news, Batfleck expressed his regret over his first comic book adaptation with "Daredevil", and guarantees fans that they can expect more with "Dawn of Justice"(via SR):
"Indeed I have regrets about 'Daredevil.' I have regrets about all the movies that I don't think were executed properly. ... Look, if I thought we were remaking 'Daredevil,' I'd be out there picketing myself ... and that goes for other movies as well that I haven't been happy with. You know, I'm hard on myself and I have exacting standards and I want to do excellent work and I don't always succeed, but I think you have to start out with that drive."
Superman Protests! Yes, burning Supes in effigy...in Metropolis...in Detroit!#BatmanvSuperman W/@D3T0N8R pic.twitter.com/xbaKzwG13B
- Tim Reinman (@treinman) September 29, 2014
Superman: Dawn of Justice which was originally slotted to open on May 6, 2016 opposite of Marvel's Captain America 3 will now launch to a March 25,2016 release date, avoiding a potential blockbuster confrontation. This is also the second time the release of the film has been changed.
Simultaneously, Warner and DC Entertainment in announced in a statement the launch of releases planting the flag on several dates beginning with "Superman: Dawn Of Justice" along with 9 superhero films through 2020.
Ray Fischer takes on the role of Cyborg in his own solo film in 2020 will be making a cameo apperance in Batman Vs Superman (quote via i09.com):
"I didn't know the extent to which DC and WB had planned on taking my character. When I signed on, I just wanted to be part of this world. But that specific information, I found out then and there. I didn't think I'd be getting my own stand-alone film."
Stay tuned for more updates on Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice cast, leaked photos and news at the Franchise Herald.