
Global Hand Washing Day An Effort To Help Spread Proper Hygiene Especially Washing Hands

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Global Hand Washing Day was on Wednesday and one company has tried to help spread the message in areas where those who do not stay hygienically clean, need to be aware of the benefits.

Lifebuoy Soap is always campaigning for everyone to start washing their hands.

The Kingdom, in cooperation with the private sector, observed Global Hand washing Day on Wednesday. Global Hand washing Day was originally launched to spread hygiene awareness among schoolchildren with the help of multinational Unilever, which has popular hand soap brand Lifebuoy.

Unilever's health soap lifebuoy is working with governments, health agencies and other groups to make awareness of hand washing around the world.

According a survey 2 million children fail to reach their fifth birthday because of diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia. Simple act of hand washing could save a lot of children. Lifebuoy has taught the simple way of washing hands to 130 million people around the world. "Simple hygiene measures, such as washing hands with soap, are effective and inexpensive ways to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases that are particularly deadly for children under five," said Khaled Fayed, managing director of Unilever KSA.

Lifebuoy made a video about importance of hand washing which has earned a very significance importance among the parents. The video has already reached 6 million views in YouTube. As a part of this Unilever Malawi celebrated "Lifebuoy Hand Washing Day" with the rest of the world on 15th October. In this country it occurred at Mbayani Primary School in Blantyre dedicated to encouraging the lifesaving potential of hand washing with soap.

By the promotion of lifebuoy, children have been taught hygiene education, helping to stop the spread of preventable illnesses and minimize the number of schooldays missing by children because of illness. The Moto of the campaign was "No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow". Mr. Chris Kang'ombe thanked Unilever as an agent of government for fighting against diseases which can be prevented by hand washing with soap. He said that this type of initiative will certainly reduce the number of death of child diseases.

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