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Taylor Swift Admits She Has Given Up On Dates And Is Grateful To Friend For Helping Her Grow

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On the December issue of British Cosmopolitan, Taylor Swift admitted that she has given up on dates.

According to the 24-year-old country singer, "People will say, let me set you up with someone, and I'm just sitting there saying, 'That's not what I'm doing. I'm not lonely; I'm not looking," referring to her friends wanting to set her up on dates. Swift continued, "They just don't get it. I've learned that just because someone is cute and wants to date you, that's not a reason to sacrifice your independence and allow everyone to say whatever they want about you. I'm not doing that anymore."

Since her recent split with One Direction member, Harry Styles, in January 2013, Swift revealed that she hasn't dated anyone else. Swift stressed that her next boyfriend should have to go an extra mile to get her.

The actress continued to tell the magazine that "It'd take someone really special for me to undergo the circumstances I have to go through to experience a date."

Swift was also positive about her life without a boyfriend, saying: "I don't know how I would ever have another person in my world trying to have a relationship with me, or a family. The best answer I can come up with now is go at it alone. Life can be romantic without having a romance. I'm very attracted to how happy I am now."

Swift have dated well-known names from the industry including Jake Gyllenhaal, Joe Jonas and John Mayer.

On another note, the singer-songwriter revealed how grateful she is to her friend Lena Dunham who has helped the young singer grow. She said that Dunham has helped her figure out who she was and her prespective in life influenced her in the past two years. "She is just so enthusiastic about life, about other women. She is like a hug in the form of a person."

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