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Halle Berry Reveals Her Scandale Paris Lingerie: Still Looking Sexy While Wearing Her Own Plain Black Under Pieces Collection!

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Halle Berry launches her Scandale Paris lingerie collection!

Oscar award-winning actress and producer Halle Berry debuts her lingerie line Scandale Paris in the US. She is now a fashion merchandiser/owner of the 82 year-old French brand.

The Scandale brand debuted in 1934-- as a line that was designed for women who had multiple roles to fulfill in their lives such as careers, motherhood and marriage.

Married to French actor Olivier Martinez, Berry caught herself "tooling around Paris," eventually discovering the lingerie company Scandale five years ago, and became a fast fan of the line.

"I have some friends of mine-who will remain nameless-who wear the same 'janky' bras for five years straight! As Americans, we can go there, but what I learned about the French woman is that she is always updating her lingerie," said Berry. "They aren't going to be caught in the emergency not prepared and if they cut their clothes off, they are going to be fabulous under there."

"I think that it's really important to bring good quality at this price so that every woman can have a collection of it, you don't have to have one bra you pay oodles of money for that you wear until it's dead," she said. "At an affordable price you can have a collection that you rotate." And never risk a movie star calling you janky again!​

She also recalled an important life lesson her mom taught her: always wear a good bra, or gravity will show no mercy. "She said if I don't want my boobs to hit my knees by the time I'm 30, always wear a bra, even to bed," Berry says. And at 48, Berry knows a good bra when she sees one.

The 10-piece collection will feature items ranging from $7 to $18 only and debuts exclusively at Target and on October 27.

In a Splash News report, the 48 year-old actress shared how she handles her new business:

My favorite part was just being at the party and sitting down at the table with the designers, and saying, "Here's what I'd like to see. Here's what I'd like to have happen," and, "Show me this," or, "Show me that," or I would bring in pictures of things. Or actual bras that I had had and loved over the years, and I love the sort of element on one bra, but then I love something else about another one, and I would say, "Let's incorporate these two ideas in our own way to create our own bra." And comfort was key, so I thought every bra has got to pass my Halle comfort test. That's really important.

And when asked about her favorite collection she says:

Well our capsule collection, I love everything in it. That's why it's our launch collection. What I love is that all the bras are really comfortable. They range in styles from leopard print which says "I'm here," to our more subdued, our all-nude or all-black sparkly, or our black and white combo. They're all things that I would personally wear, which is why it's our capsule.

You think her status as a sex symbol will help her sell underwear?

She says, "I don't think I'm using my sex symbol image, if that's what you want to call it, to sell the line. I'm not the model, so no I'm not trying to use that part of me at all."

Moreover, she reveals future plans in her Scandal Paris lingerie collection:

"Seasonally we're going to always have new products, new colors and new inspired ideas so the whole collection stays current and always ever-changing. We'll have some of our staples that will never go away, things that prove to be what the customers like the most. I just want to keep it fresh and keep changing, and evolving as the times change."

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