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‘The Evil Within’ Reviews: What Critics Say About Gameplay; Hits And Miss Of Shinji Mikami’s Latest Videogame

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After the success of the "Resident Evil" franchise, creator Shinji Mikami brings another horror survival game, "The Evil Within". With only a few weeks since its release date, let's rummage through the numerous reviews online and find out what this video game offers.

Beginning development in 2010, "Resident Evil" franchise creator Shinji Mikami pursued the production of a horror survival game that focused more on the survival factor, rather than action. Ensuring that gamers wouldn't pre-empt the scares in his newest games, Shinji Mikami made sure that "The Evil Within" gameplay is an adventure that is composed of limited ammunition, powerful enemies and small spaces.

Known in Japan as "Psycho Break", "The Evil Within" was released mid-October of this year. Soon after, reviews on the positive and negative points of "The Evil Within" surfaced online. Revealing the hits and miss of creator Shinji Mikami for "The Evil Within" gameplay.

Generally receiving positive reviews, "The Evil Within" gameplay is currently running on a rate of 80.27% for the Xbox One version, 75.55% on PlayStation 4, and 65% for PC, according to GameRankings.

IGN reviews "The Evil Within" gameplay as, "A brutal, challenging, and remarkably fun game. Its eerie world and imaginative enemies are genuinely frightening, and the scares are heightened significantly by the scarcity of resources at your disposal."

However, not everybody is raving about "The Evil Within". According to USgamer in its review of "The Evil Within": "Overall, 'The Evil Within' is solid and it definitely has some great moments, but poorly-implemented mechanics and a bland story bring down the overall package. Survival horror fans should pick it up, but others may want to wait until the price drops a bit."

"The Evil Within" gameplay locations include farms, subway systems, churches, asylums, mansions and sewers - all abandoned, murky, eerie and all dark spaces in between. Players will only have limited access to ammunition, making fighting even more terrifying. Apart from the creatures (including the invisible monster), the gamer is to face other challenges such as booby-traps and creature-infested areas.

"The Evil Within" is now available for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC.

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