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Queen Elizabeth II Joins The Social Media Circle: Check Out The Royal Tweet

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Queen Elizabeth II Posts Her First Tweet!

Her Royal Majesty is finally breaking through technology. According to E! News, the Queen posted her first tweet last Friday and was pictured touching an iPad on a display table at the Science Museum in London during an information technology gallery opening on Friday. The tweet contained her personal sign-off, Elizabeth R., and was posted on the @BritishMonarchy account - R stands for Regina, or queen.

The Royal tweet said, "It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R"

The account is being managed by Palace officials was opened in 2009. They have about 760,000 followers - and counting ever since the Queen sent her first tweet. The Official account shares news and updates about the Royal Family.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived Friday morning at the Science Museum in London to open and tour the UK’s first permanent gallery dedicated to the history of information and communications technology.

Science Museum director, Ian Blatchford, said “I mentioned earlier that Queen Victoria took a great interest in the invention of the telephone, and Your Majesty has followed in this tradition of embracing new technology. You made the first live Christmas broadcast in 1957 and an event relished by historians took place on 26 March 1976, when you became the first monarch to send an email, during a visit to the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment. May I now invite you to join me so that you may send your first tweet.”

This is The Majesty's first participation in social media. The Royal tweet has been retweeted and favorited more than 30,000 times.

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