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Chrissy Teigen Leaves Twitter; John Legend's Wife Under Fire For Gun-Control Tweet

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Chrissy Teigen's Twitter account has been the object of a lot of hate from some people in the past couple of days.

After Chrissy Teigen's Twitter account was updated by the swimsuit model with her thoughts about the Ottawa shooting in relation to the US lack of gun control, throngs of people took aim at her. What was supposed to be a joke about the lax in gun control in the US caused frenzy and John Legend's wife later became a recipient of many death threats. This has triggered Teigen to leave the social media network.

She posted, "I feel sick. Bye Twitter. Taking my talents to instagram."

The controversial post, which was retweeted more than 1000 times read, "active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in america, wednesday."

"Sorry you don't understand that is a knock at america and our issues with gun control. No one is minimizing the Ottawa shooting," the model explained.

The explanation did not come across as valid for some and the critical tweets continued. In response, she said "It's been awhile since I inadvertently pissed a ton of people off. Forgot how much it sucks."

Some of the critical tweets went as far as wishing the model death. One read, "Sorry Canada, our Hollywood elits and its dumb models are idiots. Wish ISIS would give Chrissy a permanent haircut."

Another said, "I hope someone murders some you love, like your f----t husband," which the "Sports Illustrated" model re-tweeted and replied to with "Amazing this isn't punishable."

People on the social media weren't the only ones who criticized Teigen, however, Fox News' Andrea Tantaros reportedly took a jab at the model on TV, saying "This is the problem when models start to talk; it plays into that dumb model stereotype."

Before Chrissy Teigen's Twitter account became silent, she explained why she meant to leave the social media network, saying "It's gotten to the point people don't even see the simplicity of the original tweet and have just wanted to get shaking-mad over something."

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