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Dragon Age: Inquisition To Be Released: New Trailer Offers A Closer Look To The 4-Player Co-Op Game! What Kind Of Hero Are You?

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Dragon Age Inquisition, another definition of gaming is about to hit both PC and Console platforms about a few weeks from now!

As Bioware and Electronic Arts released its Dragon Age Inquisition latest trailer, many has become excited, it shows off the game's Inquisitor, Inquisition's followers, abilities, weapons, enemies, and much more.

This trailer offers us a closer look at the Inquisitor and the three main Inquisition's followers. Each character has a reason for joining the Inquisition, and each bring their unique talents to the fight.

As the leader of the Inquisition,you'll be able to embark on a journey to save the kingdom of Thedas where your decisions will not only shape your journey, but also your followers as well and the kind of Inquisitor you will become. There will be nine other followere in the Dragon Age: Inquisition aside from what this trailer shows; Qunari warrior Iron Bull, Elven archer Sera, and arcane mage Dorian.

Your adventure will depend on who you will be choosing as a leader, while regarding your followers, you can get as many as you can.

Also, BioWare and EA's released video of Dragon Age: Inquisition today, shows off more of the game's character customization, as well as a look at the crafting system. What makes it interesting is that you will be able to customize your follower's gear and starters' combat tactics.

Within the game, you're also able to collect recipes that can be used to create powerful upgrades and "potent items", like grenades filled with angry bees. "Explore the world and gather ingredients to craft on-of-a-kind items!" reads the video blurb.

Choose your 'hero'! Become a leader and face your enemies in a 4-player co-op adventures!

The game was reported to be released on two different dates. It will be November 18, 2014 on North America while Europe's release is going to be on 21st of November 2014.

For more insights about Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer game, watch their latest trailer.

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