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Midterm Elections 2014: Barbara Streisan Calls Out To Democrats To Donate To Midterm Campaigns

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Barbra Streisand sent out an email on Saturday asking Democrats to donate money immediately to candidates facing stiff opposition in the November midterm elections.

"Have you seen Congress lately? It's a mess," Streisand wrote. "And it's only going to get worse if people like Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers continue to treat corporations better than people."

She recently teamed up with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in sending out the email.

Streisand urged donors to contribute at least $5 immediately. "We have to act now," Streisand wrote. "We're running out of time and money."

She blasted the Supreme Court decision allowing Texas to use its strict voter identification law in the November election.

"Just this week in Texas, voting rights were dismantled, essentially blocking minorities and many students and seniors from voting," she wrote.

"Whether you know it or not, in the past six years we have seen huge progress under President Obama. Unemployment is at the lowest level since before President Obama took office, before the Great Recession started. The deficit is rapidly dropping and is just 2.8% of GDP - the lowest since 2007," she wrote.

"And thank God for President Obama's Affordable Care Act, which has helped millions of people around the country gain access to health care. Additionally, he has championed equal pay for women, while Republicans try to take away long-term unemployment insurance and kill a minimum wage increase."

"There is still so much more we can do," she added. "And that can only be achieved with an active Congress, not an obstructive one. That is why it is so important to support Democratic candidates."

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton will be in Los Angeles on Monday making a similar plea in person to Hollywood fundraisers.

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