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Amy Foehler's 'Yes Please' Talks About Drugs, Sex, Divorce with Will Arnett and other Memoirs To Be Released October 28

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It is interesting to know how funny people, or comediennes like Amy Foehler, deal with sad moments and pains like breakups and divorce. Fellow glam celebrities like Dianne Keaton and Tina Fey have really nice, enviable words to describe her, Keaton telling she's her crush, while Fey calls her 'comedy wife'. The Parks and Recreation star can be the funny small gal or wise older sister who gives wisdom of advice. No wonder she's adorable.

That's why her take on serious stuffs like drugs, sex and separation that resulted to divorce with former husband, another funny man Will Arnett is worth reading.

The comedy queen was all human that erred when she tried drugs. Notwithstanding all the other bad effects of substance use, the good thing about it is, Foehler could share what the experience was about. "Cocaine is terrific if you want to hang out with people you don't know very well and play ping pong all night. It's bad for almost everything else." Fair enough. Same goes for pot use wherein she disclosed affected her work and motherly duties to two small boys. Her take on sex isn't porn level, too. Feel about the subject, she addresses men in saying, "you should relax about sex - women don't always need it to last as long as you think they do. They're tired." She's a spoiler, don't you think so?

But divorce is something not to be taken lightly. In dealing with it, she said it's like "spreading everything you care about on a blanket and then tossing the whole thing up in the air. The process of divorce is about loading that blanket, throwing it up, watching it all spin, and worrying what stuff will break when it lands."

Amy Foehler won a Golden Globe award early this year for her role in Parks and Recreation

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