That Iggy Azalea went through a common law marriage with Hefe Wine in Houston, Texas when she was 17 and Wine is now filing divorce suit against her appears to be the more relevant news spread about her lately due to the legalities involved. Among the serious implications is that half of Iggy's fortune as one of the hottest rapper-performers in town would go to her 'husband', if their marriage is found valid.
In Texas, common law marriage is where a man and a woman become husband and wife without the need for marriage license and moreso, a ceremony. It has the same effect as a ceremonial marriage. For couples to be recognized as common-law married, they must agree to the idea that they are living together as husband and wife and they tell other people about it. But, a person cannot go through common law marriage if he or she is still legally married to someone else.
In Iggy's case, while it may be true she was in a common law marriage on account of her cohabitation with Williams and there were reports that said she even used "Williams" as her last name, she was only 17 that time and the common law marraige arrangement is permitted for those 18 years and above. Her age seems to be her strongest defense,
Her second defense is, Williams was very much married at the time they lived together. He obtained divorce from his wife in August, four months after they started living together.
At present, Williams is facing domestic assault charges for hitting a girlfriend of which he has a 3-year-old son.
Recalling the times with Williams, Iggy said in her interviews she had no knowledge getting into any common law marriage arrangement. Referring to Willliams, she said: "No! That's like somebody I dated for about six months when I was 17. I haven't heard from this person in years."
Iggy's camp is waiting for the 'divorce papers' to be served although "they [William's] want to hire someone to serve me in person, probably so it can be another TMZ story."
She added, "Unfortunately to file a common law divorce, all you need is three of your friends to sign a statement swearing the person's story is true".