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‘Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture’ Release Date Rumors, And News: Video Game Launch Delayed According To Developer’s Twitter Comment

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The story driven game "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" updated news reveals new members of the production team, and rumors of a likely delayed release date.

The development "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" was announced during Gamescom 2013, unveiling a story driven video game that is surely to capture gamers as does its spiritual predecessor known as "Dear Esther".

The Chinese Room is currently developing "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" as it did "Dear Esther", where the latter (though experimental) gained positive reviews among critics. The original version in 2008 was released for Microsoft Windows, PC and Linux, and was among Mod DB's Mod of the Year Top 100 in 2008. It also won Best World/Story in 2009 at the IndieCade Independent Game awards according to Mod DB.

Upon "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" release dates, gamers will experience an impeccable story telling, much like "Dear Esther".

Directors Jessica Curry and Dan Pinchbeck talk to PlayStation, in which "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" will be exclusively released, the story is "all about the end of the world. You play the role of a scientist, trapped in the very second of the apocalypse, and the game is about discovering what has happened. You do this by exploring a large open-world environment, and interacting with the objects, places and people you find to gradually unlock and put together the story."

They go on to explain that "Rapture is inspired by the fiction of John Wyndham, J. G. Ballard, John Christopher and other authors who deal with ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. Rapture also came from our obsession with post-apocalyptic gaming."

According to rumors online, the "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" release date set for 2014 is unlikely as a query surfaced on Twitter asking if "it is unreasonable to hope for a 2014 release [date]?" The official page of The Chinese Room responds by saying, "Unrealistic, rather than unreasonable."

Based on this, "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" release date will be on 2015, according to speculations.

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