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Orphan Black Season 3 Release Date, News, Spoiler, And Update: Sisterhood Bond, Vulnerability Of Clones, And More Await Fans Next Season

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There's no Orphan Black Season 3 release date yet but the show is surely getting closer to that big day. In fact, after the table read, the BBC America show has already started its production. Sure to come back next season are super talented Tatiana Maslany who plays multiple clones, Jordan Gavaris, Dylan Bruce, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Kevin Hanchard, Evelyne Brochu, Michael Huisman, and Evelyn Brochu. The show also adds another major character in Ari Millen as the newly discovered male clone. In season two, he was seen as Prolethean cult follower named Mark and as a certain prisoner of war. Expect to see more characters wearing Millen's face in the coming season.

BBC has released a press release for Orphan Black Season 3 as the show starts its production. Aside from confirming who will stay on board, the release also revealed what to expect in the coming season. Based on that release, looks like viewers will see the female clones got closer together. BBC also provided tidbits about the male clones. Are they the enemies in Orphan Black Season 3?

"Season three plunges the clone sisterhood into unexpected territory with the realization that they're not alone. Just when they thought they knew their enemies and allies, season three reveals our clones are more vulnerable than ever before."

"Season three plunges the clone sisterhood into unexpected territory with the realization that they're not alone. Just when they thought they knew their enemies and allies, season three reveals our clones are more vulnerable than ever before. Highly trained, identical male-soldiers raise more questions than answers. Who are these new clones? Who created them? And more importantly, why do they exist? Sarah, Cosima, Alison and Helena are stronger together than they are apart, but this season will put that bond to the test. Will they forge towards their truth, or fall at the feet of those who seek to control them?"

As for the sisterhood bonding, will Rachel Duncan finally have good times with Sarah, Allison, Helena, and Cosima? Previous Orphan Black season 3 spoilers has it that the pro-clone might not be around based on the table read photo tweeted by the show's official Twitter page.

For more Orphan Black Season 3 spoiler and news, click here.

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