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Star Wars Latest News: Spin-off In The Works; Godzilla Director In Charge Of Directing!

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There have been numerous rumors about the Star Wars latest news regarding the movie in the works, recently, however, there is news that certain spinoffs are in production as well.

According to Complex,

"There have been plenty of rumors floating around about what Star Wars characters might star in the spinoff films Disney is planning.

Disney previously confirmed the first two stand-alone Star Wars movies would be directed by Chronicle and Fantastic Four director Josh Trank, and Godzilla director Gareth Edwards, but that's literally all we know for sure.

Han Solo and Boba Fett have both been floated as possibilities in the past, but Slashfilm points out that an anonymous source says Obi-Wan Kenobi is the likely choice to get a stand-alone film.

The full quote:

Obi-Wan Kenobi - I've heard from quite a few people now that an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie is in the works. For the spin-off movies they were initially going to stay away from any Jedi or Sith characters. But I'm hearing now that because of the popularity of Obi-Wan (fans recently voting for him on the official website etc) that an art team is now working with a writer on concepts for an Obi-Wan movie.

This could be good. Of course, we don't know if this would be some kind of origin story of a young Obi-Wan, or perhaps cover some of that time between Episode III and Episode IV, when Kenobi went from Padawan to Jedi Master"

This Star Wars latest news definitely have fans excited for this development, sighting that Obi Wan Kenobi deserves a standalone film, as his character plays a crucial role in the franchise, yet it often goes overlooked or is inferior to other characters, leaving his story in the "I forgot about that" category that fans created.

What do you think, readers? Think the Star Wars latest news is worth getting excited about? Sound of in the comments below!

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