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‘Battlefield Hardline’ Release Date, News And Updates: What The Video Game Offers For The Multiplayer And Single Player Features

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Visceral Games' "Battlefield Hardline" nears its release date as more details of the video game are revealed. Read on for information on multiplayer and single player features and prep for the upcoming launch.

First off, the "Battlefield Hardline" release date. While "Battlefield Hardline" was scheduled to be announced in the last E3 2014, details of the game was leaked online as thus EA unveiled it early than expected. Although the "Battlefield" franchise releases military-based action, "Battlefield Hardline" focuses on the longest running hero-villain true-to-life characters as in cops and robbers.

A beta version was released in June 2014 for PC and PlayStation 4, and ended in the same month. "Battlefield Hardline" release date was originally set for the fall of 2014, however it was in July that "Battlefield Hardline" release date was moved to an early 2014. In order to accommodate the feedback gathered from the beta release, "Battlefield Hardline" release date was officially set for March 17, 2015.

Breaking away from the military setting, upon the "Battlefield Hardline" release date, fans of the "Battlefield" franchise will experience both playing the police and the criminals. As a law enforcer, the player will assume the role of SWAT officer, Nick Mendoza who straddles the line between good and evil as his character is also involved in criminal activities.

Upon the "Battlefield Hardline" release date, "Battlefield Hardline" offers features known as multiplayer and single player. The "Battlefield Hardline" multiplayer game described as "the world is simple. You're on one side of the law or the other-a baton or bat, a stun gun or rifle, armored police truck or transport vehicle. But either way, teamwork is going to be essential if you're going to want to pull off that perfect heist or big time bust in this new take on Battlefield multiplayer."

Multiplayer modes available upon "Battlefield Hardline" release date includes rescue, hot wire, blood money, and heist.

"Battlefield Hardline" single player feature focuses on Nick Mendoza and the many tricks and turns he's about to experience in a world where right and wrong share a thin line.

Stay tuned for updated news on "Battlefield Hardline" such as release date, characters and story news.

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