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'Dragon Ball Xenoverse' Update: GameStop Already Taking Pre-orders In Time For Release Date

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GameStop is already taking pre-orders for the "Dragon Ball Xenoverse." The online store has set the release date as December 31, 2015. Capsule Computer however, posted a report that the latest "Dragon Ball" game will first released in Japan on Feb.5, 2015. The rest of the world will get their hands on the game later, but very much earlier than December. World wide release is estimated to be in the early part of next year.

"Dragon Ball Xenoverse" will again pit the Super Saiyan hero Son Goku against various powerful and dangerous enemies such as Cell, Frieza, Vegeta and many more. The game story involves the player joining forces with Kai of Time and Trunks, in order to prevent Mira and Towa from ruining the already established Dragon Ball history.

"The Dragon Ball Xenoverse" game will be available in various gaming platforms such as the Windows PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS 3 and PS 4. Windows PC buyers can avail this latest "Dragon Ball" fighting game via Steam.

Capsule Computer also reports that Goku can now reached a Super Saiyan level 4 in this game. Goku at this high level can use a 10x Kame Hame wave and it is also expected that the Super Saiyan God Goku character will also be available in "Dragon Ball Xenoverse."

Gamers can now make these two powerful Goku forms fight one another to decide once and for all which the most powerful Super Saiyan Goku form is. Goku's enemy will also appear in their powerful fighting levels. He can fight a Vegeta or Gogeta at their Super Saiyan level 4 forms or Omega Shenron.

A YouTube preview trailer has briefly featured a new fighter a new and unknown fighter. His face was not shown but it in his shoulders was the words inscribed, "Capsule Corporation". He has a cape and wearing a blue uniform or shirt.

The upcoming "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" is being developed by Dimps and its publisher is the Japanese based Bandai Namco Games.

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